Your Essential Toolkit for NFT Application Creation

From Minting to Deployment, Burning to Transferring - We Provide an All-inclusive Solution.

Preview Code

// npm install @liaas-lib 
const LiaaS = require("liaas-lib"); 
const liaasSdk = new LiaaS() 
//pass your API key, NFT transaction ID 
const response = await liaasSdk.addressNfts(apiAccessKey, address) 
console.log(“NFT Balance”, response); 

NFTs on Litecoin: Your Gateway to Exclusive Digital Ownership

Dive into the world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) with Kakr Labs, where uniqueness meets the digital realm. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies such as LTC or USDC, each NFT is a digital original – a single, non-duplicable asset ranging from groundbreaking artwork to groundbreaking digital real estate. Powered by the reliability of the Litecoin blockchain, we provide indisputable proof of ownership. Experience the future of value with Kakr Labs' Secure Digital Records (SDRs) and Secure Digital Assets (SDAs), designed for superior security and unparalleled cost savings

Get Collection Method

// npm install @liaas-lib 
const LiaaS = require("liaas-lib"); 
const liaasSdk = new LiaaS() 
//pass your API key, wallet name, and address 
const response = await liaasSdk.addressTokenBalance(apiAccessKey, wallet, address); 
console.log(“Collection and Token: ”, response); 

Access Complete NFT Collection via API

Utilize our API to seamlessly view all NFTs within a collection, providing an efficient and comprehensive way to access and manage digital assets.

Obtain Comprehensive NFT Transaction Insights

Leverage our API to gain detailed insights into NFT transactions, enabling a thorough understanding and analysis of each transaction's specifics.

Get NFT Transaction in Details

// npm install @liaas-lib 
const LiaaS = require("liaas-lib"); 
const liaasSdk = new LiaaS(); 
//pass your API key, NFT transaction ID 
const response = await liaasSdk.nftTransactionDetails(apiAccessKey, txId); 
console.log(“NFT Transactions”, response);